Water Balance
Maintain the spa water pH level between 7.2 and 7.8, total alkalinity between 80 and 120ppm and free chlorine
level between 3 to 5ppm. Use the *optional Test Strips to test the spa water chemistry before each use of the
spa and continue to test the water no less than once a week.
The Test Strips can test the "Free Chlorine", "pH", and "Total Alkalinity" level at the same time:
1. Dip the entire strip into the water and remove immediately
2. Hold the strip level for 15 seconds. Do not shake excess water from the strip
3. Compare the strip pad to the color chart on the packaging label. If necessary, adjust the chemical level in
the pool water
usually use chlorine-based products and you want to switch to bromine-based products, or vice versa, it is
mandatory to completely change the spa water before any product changes.