7.10 Date & time Setting.
In this setting you can adjust the date and time.
7.11 About device.
Check device information.
Resetting your device to Factory Default settings
If you need to reset your device to the factory default settings for any reason
please follow the process below:
Please be aware any information currently on the device will be
permanently erased by following this procedure.
1. Go to applications screen and touch the settings button.
2. Touch the Backup & reset option.
3. Select Factory data reset.
4. Leave the erase SD card option unticked & touch "Reset tablet".
5. Touch "erase everything".
6. The unit will now reset itself back to factory reset and any previous
information/data will have been permanently erased.
For more information go to http://tabi.eurocase.com/soporte.php
- SANTIAGO VAZQUEZ (www.santiagovazquez.com)
Argentinian Musician (creator of "LA BOMBA DE TIEMPO")
Selection of Tracks from his CD "MBIRA y PAMPA"
- ALEJANDRO COSTAS (www.alejandrocostas.com.ar)
Argentinian Plastic Artist
Selection from his work:
*Begging nature
*Curious planet
* From artist to artist
* Multicolored ally
* Musical journey
* Path to freedom
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