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Bpt EVE 200 Instrucciones Para La Instalación página 2

Derivado con escucha amplificada


• Assorbimento: 80 mA max.
(16mA a riposo).
• Temperatura di funzionamento:
da -15 °C a +50 °C.
• Dimensioni: 105 x 206 x 34 mm.
Istruzioni per l'installazione
Togliere la placca frontale della
targa pulsante svitando la vite sulla
testata inferiore (fig. 1).
Togliere la protezione dalla base
(fig. 2). Fissare la base al muro (fig.
3) rispettando l'indicazione ALTO
ed effettuare i collegamenti.
Rimettere la protezione. Se neces-
sario, togliere il cartellino portano-
me dalla sede del pulsante di chia-
mata, come indicato in fig. 4, e
scrivere i dati desiderati.
Rimettere il cartellino e fissare
quindi la placca.
Assicurarsi che il materiale d'im-
ballaggio non venga disperso nel-
l'ambiente, ma smaltito seguendo
le norme vigenti nel paese di utiliz-
zo del prodotto.
Alla fine del ciclo di vita dell'appa-
recchio evitare che lo stesso
venga disperso nell'ambiente.
Lo smaltimento dell'apparecchia-
tura deve essere effettuato rispet-
tando le norme vigenti e privile-
giando il riciclaggio delle sue parti
Sui componenti, per cui è previsto
lo smaltimento con riciclaggio,
sono riportati il simbolo e la sigla
del materiale.
The EVE/200 is a special hands-
free apparatus in a metal enclosu-
re which operates as a twin chan-
nel receiver in communications
installations with type VPA analo-
gue switchboards or type VPD/100
VKS/100CP or VCD/109 interface).
The apparatus is fitted with micro-
hands-free communication and
has a call-button for calling
switchboard, which doubles up as
the call-accept command.
Calls from the twin channel
receiver to the switchboard
Pressing the call-button on the
EVE/200 twin channel receiver (an
acoustic signal is heard at the
entry panel confirming the call has
been registered) sends an acou-
stic signal to the switchboard
together with a visual indication of
the source of the call (LED for VPA
switchboards and code number
display on VPD/100 switchboards).
The switchboard operator indica-
tes acceptance of the call by
relaying a return call to the calling
Call modes and communication
from switchboard to twin chan-
nel receiver
1 - Call for normal communication
a) If jumper SW2 of the EVE/200
twin channel receiver is in the ON
position (fig. 5), the call put throu-
gh by the switchboard automati-
cally opens communication with
the apparatus called.
b) If jumper SW2 of the EVE/200 is
in the OFF position (fig. 5), calls are
put through by pressing the call-
button of the EVE/200 which has
received the call from the switch-
board (call-accept).
2 - Automatic listen-in call
If jumper SW3 and SW2 of the
EVE/200 are in positions 1 and ON
respectively (fig. 5), a call from the
switchboard to the twin channel
receiver automatically enables the
switchboard to listen to the recei-
ver, although the communication
line from the switchboard to the
receiver is deactivated (the call is
fictitious and no acoustic is emit-
To obtain this function, the switch-
board operator must lift the recei-
ver and, keeping the connect-but-
ton pressed down, press the call-
button controlling the twin channel
receiver to be monitored. This
automatically enables the switch-
board to listen in to the receiver
On VPA switchboards, the con-
nect-button is a normal call-button
left free for the purpose. On the
VPD/100 switchboard, the con-
nect-button is the auxiliary button
which controls the VLS/101 relay.
3 - Call for general address
This allows an acoustic call signal
to be sent to up to 200 twin chan-
nel receivers simultaneously, for
address messages (potentiometer
P2 at half scale). When potentio-
meter P2 is set to full scale a maxi-
mum of 50 users can be called
WARNING. Depending on how
many receivers, over and above 16
units, to which the general address
call must be transmitted, an appro-
priate supplementary power supply
is needed, considering that the
power consumption of the EVE/200
during this type of call is approxi-
mately 80mA (one VAS/100 power
supply for every additional 20 recei-
The switchboard operator can
make a general address call by
pressing the appropriate button:
on VPA switchboards the general
address button is a normal call-
button left free for this purpose; on
the VPD/100 switchboard the
general address call is made
using the coded relay VLS/100C
by entering the appropriate call-
code. For general address calls to
be made the relative line must be
closed with a 1,000 Ohm resistan-
ce connected across terminal 11
and terminal 5 of the last EVE/200
twin channel receiver.
Description of functions, figure 5
Potentiometer controlling the
volume of the microphone
line from receiver to switch-
Potentiometer controlling the
volume of the call signal.
SW2 ON position: automatic call
OFF position: call connect
by pressing call-button.
SW3 Position 1: automatic con-
nection of microphone line.
Position 2: with the appara-
tus switched on, terminals
10 and 5 carry 12V 50mA
which is available to operate
an auxiliary relay if required.
Function of each terminal, figure 5
– 14 ÷ 17.5V DC
+ power supply
audio-signal from switchboard
audio-signal to switchboard
10 automatic connection of micro-
phone line or voltage available
when twin channel receiver is
in operation.
11 general address call
12 call to switchboard
Technical features
• Supply voltage: 14 ÷ 17.5V DC.
• Current demand: 80 mA max.
(16 mA quiescent).
• Working
from -15 °C to +50 °C.
• Dimensions: 105 x 206 x 34 mm.
Installation instructions
Slacken the screw on the lower
head section to remove the front
plate of the push-button panel,
figure 1.
Remove the protection cover, figu-
re 2. Fix the base to the wall, figure
3, in accordance with the indica-
tions UP and make wiring connec-
Refit the protection cover.
Remove the name label from its
seat as indicated in figure 4 and
write the required information.
Refit the label and the front plate.
Do not litter the environment with
packing material: make sure it is
disposed of according to the regu-
lations in force in the country where
the product is used.
When the equipment reaches the
end of its life cycle, take measures
to ensure it is not discarded in the
The equipment must be disposed
of in compliance with the regula-
tions in force, recycling its compo-
nent parts wherever possible.
Components that qualify as recy-
clable waste feature the relevant
symbol and the material's abbrevi-
EVE/200 ist eine spezielle Ruf- und
Sprechgarnitur in Metallausführ-
ung, die in Sprechanlagen mit
Analogzentralen vom Typ VPA oder
Digitalzentralen vom Typ VPD/100
(unter Verwendung der Schnitt-
stelle VKS/100CP oder VCD/109)
als Innenstelle dient.
Das Gerät, das mit Mikrofon und
Lautsprecher für die Kommuni-
kation ausgerüstet ist, verfügt über
eine Ruftaste zur Zentrale, die
auch zur Annahme des Gesprä-
ches verwendet werden kann.
Anruf von peripheren
Sprechgarnituren an die Zentrale
Bei Betätigung der Ruftaste des
EVE/200 (Tonsignal als Anruf-
bestätigung) wird an der Zentrale
ein akustisches und optisches
Signal mit Anzeige der Ruflinie
ausgelöst (LED bei den Zentralen
VPA, Anzeige der Codenummern
bei Zentralen VPD/100).
Die Annahme des Gespräches von
Seiten der Zentrale erfolgt über
einen Rückruf an den anrufenden
Betriebsarten für den Anruf und
das Gespräch zwischen der
Zentrale und den peripheren
1 - Anruf für das normale Gespräch
a) Wenn die Brücke SW2 des
EVE/200 auf Position ON (Abb. 5)
geschaltet ist, eröffnet der Anruf
von der Zentrale automatisch des
Gespräch mit dem angerufenen
b) Wenn die Brücke SW2 des
EVE/200 auf Position OFF (Abb. 5)
geschaltet ist, wird die Eröffnung
EVE/200 bestimmt, das den Anruf
von der Zentrale erhalten hat
(Annahme des Gespräches).
2 - Anruf mit automatischer Abhör-
Wenn die Brücken SW3 und SW2
des Endgerätes EVE/200 jeweils
auf 1 und ON (Abb. 5) geschaltet
sind, versetzt ein Anruf von der
Zentrale an einen Teilnehmer die
Abhörstellung, während der Ton-
kanal der Zentrale zur Sprechgar-
nitur deaktiviert bleibt (der Anruf ist
ein Scheinanruf und es wird kein
Tonsignal ausgegeben).
Um diesen Funktionsmodus zu
erhalten, muß der Bediener der
Zentrale den Hörer abnehmen
und, unter fortlaufendem Drücken
der Zuschalttaste, die Ruftaste der
zu kontrollierenden Sprechgarnitur
betätigen. Auf diese Weise befin-
det sich die Zentrale automatisch
in Abhörstellung der angerufenen
Bei der Zentrale VPA ist die
Zuschalttaste eine normale Ruf-
taste, die für diese Funktion frei ist.

