1. POWER: press this key to turn on/off machine. After machine turns on, default value is
cooling mode with low fan speed.
2. TIMER: under power-on or standby mode, press this key to setup on/off time from 1~24.
3. DOWN: under cooling mode, press this key to downward setting temperature from
16~31°C; under timer mode, press this key to downward on/off time.
4. MODE: after machine turns on, for cooling only model, press this key to select cooling,
dehumidifying and fan mode.
5. UP: under cooling mode, press this key to upward temperature from 16~31°C; under
timer mode, press this key to upward on/off timer.
6. FAN: after machine turns on, press this key to select fan speed (high and low).
7. SLEEP: under cooling, press this key to turn on/off sleeping function.
Remote Cont rol
1. Power
2. Timer
3. Down
4. Mode
5. Up
6. Fan
7. Sleep