Display Area
Display Area
DG1000Z can only identify files of which filenames consist of Chinese
characters, English letters, number and underscore. If other characters are used to
name the file or folder, the name might be displayed in the store and recall
interface abnormally.
File Type
pulse Store → File Type to select the desired file type. The file types available
include State File, Arb File, Txt File, Csv File, Bmp File and All File.
1. State File
Store the instrument state in internal or external memory in "*.RSF" format. At
most 10 instrument states can be stored in internal memory.
The state file stored includes waveforms selected, frequency, amplitude, DC
offset, duty cycle, symmetry, phase and modulation, sweep, Ráfaga
parameters used of the two channels and counter parameters as well as utility
parameters and system parameters under the Utility menu.
2. Arb File
Store the user-defined arbitrary waveform in internal or external memory in
"*.RAF" format. At most 10 arbitrary files can be stored in internal memory.
Figure 2-17 Store and Recall Interface