5. Use the
ton to confirm.
5- 30
= 30-minute sunrise duration
5- 20
= 20-minute sunrise duration
5- 10
= 10-minute sunrise duration
5- 00
= No sunrise
The simulated sunrise starts before the set alarm in order to prepare the body for waking up.
During the simulated sunrise, the mood light first switches from red to yellow, and finally to
white. The alarm sounds at the actual wake-up time.
6. The alarm is activated. Either
alarm memory space).
Activating the alarm
To activate the alarm, press the Alarm 1 or Alarm 2 button on the wake up light. Either
appears in the display (depending on the selected alarm memory space).
The alarm cannot be set whilst the modes are being used (Bluetooth
button to set the desired sunrise duration. Use the
appears in the display (depending on the selected
, radio and AUX).