Routine Maintenance
The heat exchangers are mounted in the sides of the MS Semenstorage.
Check that there is sufficient space and airflow either side to prevent a build-up of heat.
This will compromise performance in high ambient temperatures.
The compressor is located in the base of the MS Semenstorage.
m) Check that there is no debris or build-up of fluff and dust.
This will compromise performance in high ambient temperatures.
n) Check that the internal condensation drainage hole is clear.
o) Check the door seals for damage / wear. If any gaps are evident then the seal should be
p) Check the evaporation tray mounted above the compressor this should be clean and dry.
q) Check the condition of the mains supply lead and 3 pin plug, if either show signs of
damage then replace the lead.
To prevent damage to product bags the shelves are coated in low density white polythene.
r) Check each shelf for damage and if the coating is missing or worn then replace the shelf.
s) Check the internal water ballast bottle. If required top up with sterile water to 100ml.
Check that the temperature probe is fully immersed in the water.
There are three internal stirring fans, two in the heater enclosure HEATERwhich is located in the top
of the MS Semenstorage and one mounted on the back panel in the bottom.
u) Check that all three fans are spinning and that there is no build-up of dust or fluff.
v) If required, the small bottom fan can be brushed clean with a small paint brush or similar.
If the fans in the heater unit are blocked then follow section 3.
Replacing the Control Unit
The MS Semenstorage main control unit is mounted in the rear cavity to the left hand side of the
compressor. There are no internal serviceable parts. If this unit is faulty then it should be replaced
as follows.