NOTE: Normal human body temperatures vary depending
on the body location. When taking temperature from
different parts of your body, it is normal to obtain a
slight variation in the temperature readings. An ear
(tympanic) temperature is usually 0.5-1°F (0.3-0.6°C)
higher than an oral temperature, whereas a forehead
(temporal) temperature is usually 0.5-1°F (0.3-0.6°C)
lower than an oral temperature. Therefore, it is
NORMAL to get 1-2°F (0.6-1.2°C) difference between
an ear measurement versus a forehead measurement.
This is NOT due to the inaccuracy of the thermometer.
Security Type
:This signal indicates that thermometer is a BF
type device with internal power supply.
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Wellkang Ltd
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London, W1G9QR, U.K.