AC testing
Release the test loop locking mechanism, guide the flexible test loop around the conduc-
tor to be tested and close the test loop again (see figure). Ensure that the test loop is cor-
rectly secured. The mark on the locking mechanism lines up with the "" symbol.
Automatic detection switches the instrument to the
relevant AC test range.
The reading appears on the main display, and the fre-
quency appears on the auxiliary display
When simultaneously measuring the voltage (via the test leads) and current (via the test
loop), the main display shows the voltage value and the auxiliary display shows the cur-
rent instead of the frequency.
Position fault
The accuracy of the current reading greatly depends on the position of the conductor in
the test loop.
Please also note that electrical and magnetic fields affect the test result, and the meas-
urement location should be as free from interferences as possible.
Optimum test radius
Position fault
35 mm
± 0.5 %
50 mm
± 1.5 %
60 mm
± 2.0 %
>60 mm
± 5.0 %
TV 225