Signs of damage to the
label indicate that the
device housing has been
Signs of external damage
to the device housing
indicate that the device
housing has been opened.
Excessive contamination
of the air mesh, dirt inside
the device housing indi-
cate that the device has
been misused.
If the power button on the
device is broken, stuck,
loose or has fallen off, it
indicates external impact;
therefore, it is not consid-
ered to be covered by the
warranty. Turning on and
operating the device is
Warranty tasks
The distributor of the Nosiboo Go device is obliged to promptly
handle customer complaints based on the aspects included
in the chapters Troubleshooting guide and Malfunction
management guide of the User manual. In case the conditions
of warranty apply, the device should be promptly repaired or
replaced. The distributor of the device is obliged to keep a
written record about the troubleshooting. This can be done within
the framework of the distributor's internal documentations or in
the warranty card supplied with the User manual. It has to con-
tain the detected malfunction, the date and the unique serial
number to be found on the label on the bottom of the device.
Specialist service station contact details
Attract Kft.
H-7622 Pécs, Siklósi út 1/1., Hungary
Tel.: +36 72 551 642 (Mo–Fr: 8 am – 4 pm)
14. International warranty certificate
Nosiboo Go is a hygienic medical device. You may exercise
your right of withdrawal only if the foil packaging of the nose tip
is intact! Due to hygienic reasons, we do not replace the device
if the packaging has been opened. Guiding and applicable
legislation: Directive 2011/83/EU Section 16 (e) of the European
Parliament and of the Commission Austrian Republic: FAGG:
Section 18 (1) 5 Hungary: 45/2014. (II. 26.) Government decree
Section 29 (1) (e)
Is the warranty valid?
Due to misuse of the
device, the warranty is
not valid.
Due to misuse of the
device, the warranty is
not valid.
Due to misuse of the
device, the warranty is
not valid.
Due to misuse of the
device, the warranty is
not valid.