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Cooling Fan; W Or K Ing Pr In Ciple - Velleman VTUSC6 Manual Del Usario

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Idiomas disponibles
  • MX

Idiomas disponibles

Soft j e w e lle r y:
pearls, em erald, ivory, coral, agat e, sea t urt le
shells et c...
W e lde d, pla t e d, glu e d it e m s
W a t ch e s:
unless diving wat ches wit h dept h rat ing over 50m
( 150 ft )
Ot h e r :
glass, ceram ic, cam era filt ers wit h known cracks
4 .
Fe a t u r e s
• for cleaning of: j ewellery, dent ures, eyeglasses, elect ric shaver heads, CDs/ VCDs/ DVDs et c.
• 2 colour LED display: 1 t o 30 m inut e t im er, 5 t em perat ure set t ings, working st at us indicat ors

• cooling fan

• t wo ceram ic heat ers
• overheat ing prot ect ion
5 .

W or k ing pr in ciple

The principle behind ult rasonic cleaning is ca vit a t ion.
When t he ult rasonic cleaner is swit ched on, 3- dim ensional sound waves of alt ernat ing posit ive
and negat ive pressure are generat ed and t ransm it t ed int o t he wat er in t he t ank. These sound
waves creat ed m icron- sized bubbles t hat grow and build up energy during negat ive pressure and
im plode at a very high speed during posit ive pressure ( 43,000 t im es per second) . These
im plosions of high energy bubbles creat e ca vit ie s t hat lit erally pull cont am inant s of t he surface
( at speeds up t o 400km / h) . Due t o t he size of t he bubbles, t hey are effect ive in rem oving
cont am inant s from t he sm allest of crevices but harm less t o t he subst rat e it self.
Usually wat er is used as cleaning agent as it is inexpensive and environm ent ally safe.
6 .
Ove r vie w
Refer t o t he illust rat ions on page 2 of t his m anual.
ge n e r a l
con t r ol pa n e l
st at us indicat or
On/ off but t on
funct ion but t on
degas indicat or
norm al cleaning indicat or
heat er indicat or
act ual liquid t em perat ure
t im er display
set t em perat ure
1 0
quick set t im e but t on ( Tim e )
t ransparent lid
LED light
st ainless st eel t ank
cont rol panel
Green: norm al working st at us, ready.
Red: fault condit ion, overheat ed. Let t he VTUSC6 cool
down for at least 15 m inut es.
Press t o swit ch t he device on. Default t im e and
t em perat ure set t ings are shown ( 5 m inut es, 40° C) . Press
again t o st art t he cleaning process; it st ops aut om at ically
when t he t im er expires. Press t he but t on at any t im e t o
int errupt t he cleaning process.
Press t o st art degassing funct ion ( de ga s) . The indicat or
[ 4 ] will flash during t he degas process ( ± 2m inut es) . To
int errupt t he process, press t he but t on again. See not e
below t he t able.
Flashing during t he degassing process.
I llum inat ed during norm al cleaning process .
I llum inat ed when heat er is act ive.
Displays t em perat ure of liquid in t he t ank.
Count down t im er indicat es rem aining cleaning t im e.
I ndicat es t he select ed t em perat ure.
Press t o show init ial t im er ( 05: 00) . Press again t o
increase t he t im er by 5 m inut es.
As t hese it em s are soft , scrat ching m ay occur
during t he cleaning process.
Ult rasonic cleaning m ay increase t he gaps inside
welded j oint s, plat ed coat ing or glue which m ay
lead t o breaking loose.
The st rong penet rat ion capabilit ies of t he
ult rasonic waves m ay cause wat er t o penet rat e
weaker sealed wat ches.
Crack size m ay be increased by t he ult rasonic
G drainage valve
H drainage pipe
power but t on
J power socket
K hose
L power cord
M basket
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