Here is an overview of the most common problems. If you have any further questions please contact your Canton dealer, call our
Service Hotline on +49 (0) 6083 / 287-0 or send us an e-mail at
Recherche d'erreurs
Vous trouverez en annexe un aperçu des principaux problèmes rencontrés. Si vous avez
des questions complémentaires, veuillez vous adresser à votre revendeur spécialisé
Canton, à notre numéro d'urgence au +49 (0) 6083 / 287-0 ou envoyez-nous un courriel
Possible cause
Too little bass
One or more loudspeakers were connected up
with the polarity reversed. This causes the bass
contingents to (partially) cancel one another out.
The switches for tweeter adjustment have
tweeter levels
different settings.
On more than
Incorrect connection of the loudspeakers:
one pair of
The impedance of the loudspeaker connection
may not exceed the min. permissible impedance
amplifier switches
of the amplifier.
off / protective
circuit is activated.
On more than
Incorrect connection of the loudspeakers:
one pair of
If multiple loudspeakers are connected in series
it can lead to a reduced maximum level.
maximum level
too low
Localización de errores
A continuación encontrará un resumen de los problemas más habituales. Si tuviera
alguna pregunta adicional, diríjase a su proveedor de Canton, llame a nuestra línea de
asistencia en el teléfono +49 (0) 6083/287-0 o envíenos un mensaje de correo
electrónico a la dirección
All loudspeakers must have the same polarity (red to +, black to –).
Set the switches of all loudspeakers to the same setting
(+, neutral, or –).
Check the connections of the loudspeakers. If necessary, change
from a parallel connection to a connection in series or a
combination of connection in parallel and connection in series.
If a parallel connection is in use change it to a combination of
connection in parallel and connection in series, if necessary.
Check the connections of the loudspeakers. Change to a
combination of connection in parallel and connection in series,
if necessary.