Installation (continued)
4. Use pipe couplings and adapters to connect the nipples to the plastic pipe in the well (See Figure 9). Teflon tape
all threaded joints to prevent leaks.
NOTE: CLAMP THE PIPE SECURELY; the clamps must hold the weight of the pipes, the ejector, and the water in the pipes. In a 110' well,
this can be more than 100 lbs.
5. Install steel elbows on the top end of the nipples (See Figure 10). Teflon tape all threaded joints to prevent leaks!
NOTE: Installing the elbows at this step may make it more difficult to fill the pipe (Step 7); however,
they provide a positive stop to prevent the pipe from sliding through the well seal and disappearing
down the well.
6. Install the ejector in the well; install the well seal in the top of the well casing. Tighten the seal bolts to form a seal
with the casing and to clamp the nipples.
Figure 9
Figure 10