3. Have more Nest Protects?
The Nest app will ask if you have more Nest Protects
to set up. If you do, it'll take you through a faster
setup. Be sure to keep all your Nest Protects together
until they're all set up and ready to be installed.
Already added
Tip: Your Nest Protect came packed in a plastic
cover. Keep the cover on so your Nest Protect
stays clean until you install it.
4. Test before you install
Once you're done setting up all of your Nest Protects,
make sure they've been added to your account.
Push the button on one Nest Protect and follow the
instructions. All of your Nest Protects should speak
up. Now you can install them on the ceiling or wall.
Tip: To double check Nest Protect's room name, press
the button once. You'll hear the location that you
assigned to it during setup. It'll say something like,
"Ready in the bedroom."