Declaration Of Conformity - Mettler Toledo 8530 Guia Del Usuario

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declare under our sole responsibility that the product,
erklären, in alleiniger Verantwortung, daß dieses Produkt,
déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit,
declaramos, bajo nuestra sola responsabilidad, que el producto,
verklaren onder onze verantwoordelijkheid, dat het product,
dichiariamo sotto nostra unica responsabilitá, che il prodotto,
8530 Cougar *
(*When installed and operated with an AULT model PW102 series external power supply.)
(A copy of the AULT Declaration of Conformity for the PW102 series supply is on file.)
to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s).
auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, mitder/den folgenden Norm(en) oder Richtlinie(n) übereinstimmt.
Auquel se réfère cette déclaration est conforme à la (aux) norme(s) ou au(x) document(s) normatif(s).
Al que se refiere esta declaración es conforme a la(s) norma(s) u otro(s) documento(s) normativo(s).
Waarnaar deze verklaring verwijst, aan de volgende norm(en) of richtlijn(en) beantwoordt.
A cui si riferisce questa dichiarazione è conforme alla/e sequente/i norma/e o documento/i normativo/i.
CE Conformity / CE-Konformität / Conformité CE
90/384/EU Nonautomatic Balances and Scales / Nichteselbsttätige Waagen / Balances à Functionnement non automatique
EN45501:1992 Adopted European Standard / Norme Européenne Adoptée / Angenommene Europäische Norm
89/336/EU EMC Directive / EMU-Richtlinie / Directive concernant la CEM
EN55022, B : 1987
EN50082-2: 1995
73/23/EU Low Voltage / Niederspannung / basse tension
Other Directives and Standards / Andere Richtlinien und Normen / Autres documents
corresponding to local requirements / entsprechend lokalen Anforderungen / correspondant aux exigences locales
C22.2 No. 950-M89
FCC, Part 15, class A
Darrell Flocken, Manager - Weights & Measures
Office of Weights and Measures
Worthington, Ohio USA
August 1998

Declaration of conformity

Déclaration de conformité
Declaración de Conformidad
Dichiarazione di conformitá
Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
1150 Dearborn Drive
Worthington, Ohio 43085
Emissions / Funkstörungen
el. Safety / el. Sicherheit / sécurité el.
el. Safety / el. Sicherheit / sécurité el. (if UL mark is applied)
el. Safety / el. Sicherheit / sécurité el. (If CUL mark is applied)
Emissions / Funkstörungen
according to EN45014

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