by woxter
If the problem persists or you wish to
carry out any other procedure that you
deem necessary, contact the distribu-
tor where you purchased the product
and present the original invoice for the
purchase of the product.
Warranty terms:
1. This product has a two-year warran-
ty, as long as all the steps indicated in
the processing procedure for the
WOXTER SAT are correctly performed
2. The guarantee will be considered
canceled in the event of breakage or
tampering of the guarantee seals,
physical damage (abuse, knocks, falls),
inadequate packaging and / or
transport damage, obvious signs of
improper handling, misuse, dirt. , etc.
3. Woxter, in any case, is responsible for
the discs or data contained in our
different "optical" or "magnetic" media,
with the user being solely responsible
for them.