Access control programming.
To enter into program mode, place the internal jumper on "PROG" position, or dial
the master code (only when already programmed). During programming, the green
light indicator remains on. To exit from program mode, replace the internal jumper to
"EXPL" position; in case you entered into program mode by using the master code,
the system will exit from this mode after 30 seconds with no operation. The green light
indicator will be switched off.
The memory addresses of the access control module are distributed as follow:
00 . . . . . Master code programming.
01 a 22. . Activation codes programming.
31 . . . . . Programming of relay 1 activation time.
32 . . . . . P
rogramming of relay 2 activation time
35 . . . . . All codes deletion.
36 . . . . . Replacement code.
Codes programming.
To program a code use the following sequence:
< DM >< NC >< CA >< NR >< MA > # , where:
DM: code memory address (values from 00 to 22 or 36),
NC: number of digits (values from 03 to 08),
CA: activation code of <NC> digits,
NR: number of relay to be activated with <CA> code (values 1 or 2),
MA: activation mode (1 for single shoot or 2 for stable).
In case of master (DM=00) or replacement codes (DM=36), <NR> and <MA>
values will not be introduced. In case these two values are omitted during the
programming of an activation code, system will automatically assign relay 1 and
stable mode. The replacement code allows to change an already existing code by a
new one, being not necessary to enter into program mode. Examples:
Master code, 4 digits, 1234.
120645678912# Memory address 12, 6 digits, 456789, relay 1, stable.
Memory address 22, 5 digits, 02468, relay 1, single shoot.
Replacement code, 3 digits, 579.
It's possible to activate both relays simultaneously. Simply use the same code in
two different memory addresses. Example:
Memory address 10, 3 digits, 123, relay 1, single shoot.
Memory address 11, 3 digits, 123, relay 2, single shoot.
Codes deletion.
To delete a code from a specific memory address use the following sequence:
* * < DM > # , where:
DM: memory address of the code to be deleted (values from 01 to 22 or 36).
Example: **12#
Deletion of the code stored on memory position n. 12.
To delete all existing codes use the following sequence:
Programming the activation time.
To assign the activation time of each relay use the following sequence:
3 < NR > < TA > # , where:
NR: relay number to be programmed (values 1 or 2).
TA: activation time in seconds (values from 00 to 99). In case to introduce 00
value, the relay will be activated during a period of 200 ms.
Example: 3105#
Relay 1 time activation: 5 seconds.
Access control operation.
Dial one of the programmed codes to activate the corresponding relay output.
During the activation time, the green light indicator will light. After a sequence
introduction of 20 keys that don't correspond to any valid code, the access control will
be disabled during 30 seconds.
Use of the replacement code.
To change an existing code by a new one use the following sequence:
< CS >< CE >< NC >< CA > # , where:
CS: replacement code,
CE: code to be replaced,
NC: number of digits of the new code (values from 03 to 08),
CA: new code of <NC> digits.
Relay number to be activated and its operation mode cannot be modified by
using this function. Example:
Replacement code 579, Existing code 0246,
New code of 3 digits, New code 678