Product features
The presence of marks and scratches is considered as a defect only if they are visible at a distance of 2 metres.
rev. 0 - 03.2017
Corradi SrL - USer manUaL
Non-conformity / defect
If the marks and/or dents are visible at a distance of 2
metres it is considered as a defect.
Orange peel: the surface of the coating film is uneven and
looks like an orange peel.
Blistering: bulges on the surface of the coating film of
various sizes and frequency.
Sagging of the outer layer: irregular accumulations of
paint localised and well defined in the form of shallow,
rounded edges affecting the outer layer.
Flaking - Peeling: the coating film detaches from the
underlying support in the form of small flakes.
Porosity - Pitting: small holes similar to craters or indentations
in the surface of the film, ranging in size from small pin-holes
up to diameters of 1 cm.
Impurities in the outer and inner layers: the paint film has a
rough and uneven surface, easily perceptible to the touch.
Paint chips due to interference: the paint film has damage
and lesions of different depth and extent depending on
the cause.
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