1. Before You Start Package Contents • TEW-735AP • Multi-Language Quick Installation Guide • CD-ROM (User's Guide) • Network cable (1.5 m / 5 ft.) • Power adapter (12 V DC, 1 A) Installation Requirements • A Computer with an Ethernet port and Web Browser...
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2. Web Browser Setup 1. Power on the TEW-735AP. Connect your computer to one of TEW-735AP's LAN ports. 2. Assign a Static IP address to your computer's network adapter in the subnet of 192.168.10.x (e.g. and a subnet mask of (Please refer to the user's guide).
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Wi-Fi Key. You can find these gateway and then click Apply. pre-configured settings on the labels at the front and back of the TEW-735AP. You will use this information to connect wireless to the access point. To change the Wi-Fi Key, refer to the product manual.
TREriDnGT Declaration of Conformity Com pany Information: Company Name: TRENDnet, Inc. Company Address: 20675 Manhattan Place Torrance, CA 90501 Product Information: Product Description: N300 High Power PoE Access Point Model Number: TEW-735AP Brand Name: TRENDnet Technical Standards: EN 300 328 V1.7.1: 05-2006...
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CD-RO M . Sie konnen Q uell-und O bjektcode d er S oftw are fu r m indestens drei Jahre a u f unse re r Hom epage w w w .trendnet.com im D ow nloadbereich (h ttp://trendnet.com /langen/dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) dow nloadend. Sofern Sie nicht uber die M oglichkeit des Downloads verfugen konnen Sie bei TR E N D net.
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Los codigos fuentes estan disponibles para s e r descargados del sitio W eb de TR E N D net (http://trendnet.com /dow nloads/list_gpl.asp) durante p or lo m enos tres anos a p artir de la fecha de e nvio del producto.
Página 8
3-aastane piiratud garantii. (G arantii kohaldatakse: toiteadapteri, toiteallika ja ja hutusventilaatori osadel on 1-aastane g arantii.) Taisgarantii pohim otete, oiguste ja piirangute kohta leiate lisateavet saidilt TR E N D net.com . TEW-735AP(V1] / 08.27.2013 TREflDnET...