Disposing of the packaging
Dispose of the packaging by correctly sor ng the recyclable ma-
terials. Dispose of card and cardboard as waste paper, and fi lm as
recyclable materials.
Disposing of the grinder
Old appliances may not be thrown into the commercial/domes c
If you can no longer use your grinder, you are legally obliged as a
user to dispose of old appliances separately from commercial/do-
mes c waste, e.g. at a collec on point in your community/district.
Then it can be ensured that old appliances are recycled profession-
ally and nega ve impacts on the environment are avoided. For this
reason, electrical appliances are labelled with the symbol opposite.
Maintenance and service
In the event of service or maintenance, contact an Authorised Service Centre
for Mahlkönig products. Customer Service can answer your ques ons about
repairing and maintaining your product and spare parts.
Enlarged diagrams and informa on on spare parts are also available at:
Our applica on consul ng team will be happy to help you with ques ons
concerning our products and their accessories.
For all enquiries and spare parts orders, please be sure to include the ar cle
and serial number as stated on the grinder type plate.
The version of the grinder is displayed in the service menu.
Men on your supplier when calling for service.