1. The ACTIVITY feature allows you to view multiple aspects of your daily activity level
! Steps taken
! Distance traveled
! Calories burned
! Sleep time
! HR TODAY (Heart Rate at rest, average, and maximum for the day).
2. To view the details for each of the activity aspects, use the UP and DOWN SCROLL
buttons and each activity detail screen will be displayed in the sequence the activity is
listed on the watchface.
3. As you reach the half way point for your Steps, Calories, and Miles (or kilometers) you
will be notified with one of the following displays:
4. The screens show your activity goals along with your current progress. The border along
the inside of each panel is a progress bar showing how close you are to reaching your
daily goals.
a. In the STEPS display, the progress bar is complete as you completed 12,500 steps
against a goal of 10,000.
b. In the MILES display, the progress bar is 75% complete as you have covered 7.5
miles against a goal of 10 miles.
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