stOrInG tHe sCarIFIer
1 . Ensure that the area in which the machine will be stored is well- ventilated and free of any potential fire hazards such
as open flames, gas appliances, furnaces, water heaters, and other appliances .
2 . Clean and lubricate machine prior to storage .
3 . Lightly lubricate flails and rotor to inhibit rusting .
4 . Touch-up an y scratches or damaged area exposing metal to the elements .
5 . Order and re-apply any safety labels . Refer to "Information on Safety Decals" in "Parts Break down section "of the
manual for placement and parts numbers .
6 . Verify with engine manufacturer's handbook for guidance on preparing engine for storage .
7 . Store unit in transport position (see "Transporting the SCARIFIER" in"Operation Procedures" section) .
8 . Store the machine in a covered or indoor storage area for increased protection and longevity
MaIntenanCe prOCeDures
This section encompasses two general types of maintenance: 1 . Preventative Maintenance and 2 . General Service . The
first refers to regularly scheduled routine care of the Scarifier, such as cleaning and lubrication . The second provides infor-
mation on common procedures, such as changing flails, and adjusting the drive belt that are to be performed as needed .
By following the Inspection Schedule below BEFORE and AFTER each use of the Scarifier, appropriate actions can be taken
to extend the service life of the machine and reduce any costly repairs and unnecessar y do wntim e for the unit .
All service should be performed by trained technicians .
Operator's Manual