B. Preventative Maintenance Procedures
Maintaining a regular cleaning and lubrication schedule as well as taking time to perform preventative maintenance
procedures will prolong the service life of the SCARIFIER . The following are guidelines to setting up a regular maintenance
routine for the Scarifier .
1 . Cleaning the SCARIFIER
i . After each use, the Scarifier, in particular the flails and rotor assembly, should be cleaned and washed of any dirt or
debris that may be trapped in the unit .
ii . When using a power pressure was her to clean the unit, DO NOT USE ANY MACHINERATED HIGHER THAN 1000 PSI .
iii . Beware of damaging any warning decals and labels, as well as the drive belt, bearings and engine . Limit direct spray
on these objects to help prevent their wear and tear .
iv . For easier access to cleaning the Scarifier, the machine may be tipped on its engine guard for NO MORE THAN 2
MINUTES . Engine damage may result from gasoline flowing into the crankshaft due to prolonged tipping .
2 . Lubrication Schedule
Regularly scheduled lubrication of the wheels, flails & rotor assembly, and link age joints in the carriage is essential to
smooth performance and extended equipment life . The following schedule is a recommended guide to lubricating your
SCARIFIER . The schedule should be adjusted for various environmental conditions and frequency of use .
Operator's Manual