K8M-800T/M Mainboard Manual
PnP/PCI Configurations
PNP OS Installed
If your operating system supports Plug-and-Play, such as Windows NT or
Windows 95, select Yes. The options are: No, Yes.
Reset Configuration Data
Enablin g this, resets the syst em Exten ded Syst em Co nfig uration Data
(ESCD) when you exit Setup, if you h ave installed a new add-on card and
the system recon figuration has caus ed such a serious conflict that the
operating system can not boot. The options are: Disabled, Enabled.
Resources Controlled By
If set at Aut o, the BIOS arranges all s ystem reso urces. If t here exist s a
conflict, select Manual. The options are: Auto (ESCD), Manual.
If Manual is chosen, after the feature IRQ Res ources has been pressed,
the IRQ- As signed To are: PCI Device, Reserved. When resources are
controlled manu ally, assign each sy stem interrupt a typ e, depending on
which device type uses the interrupt.
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
Set this feature to be enabled if any ISA adapter card installed in the system
requires the VGA palette snoop function.
The options are: Disabled, Enabled.
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