General Information
The 7286 Conventional Märklin Turntable can be converted with
the 7687 Digital Retrofit Kit to the easy-to-use control of the 7686
digital turntable. The turntable does not have to be removed from
the layout or taken apart for this conversion. Turntables of other
makes are in general not equipped, as delivered from their manu-
facturer, for the installation of the 7687 Digital Retrofit Kit.
The 7686 turntable can be used for conventional and for digi-
tal operation. A central unit (6020 Central Unit or 6021 Control
Unit) and a digital accessory controller (Keyboard 6040) or a
60213/60214/60215/60216 or 60226 Central Station are required for
digital control of the turntable.
By digitally controlling the turntable, each existing track connec-
tion (spoke track) can be accessed directly with the track index-
ing feature. The turntable deck can be turned to the next spoke
track in single steps. At the push of a button a locomotive on the
deck can also be turned 180° in either direction. The special digi-
tal decoder and control electronics are integrated in the turntable
receiver delivered with the unit.
Installation on the layout
The turntable receiver can be screwed directly onto the mounting
posts under the turntable pit or next to the turntable on the layout
base board. The 30 cm (1'') ribbon cable is the maximum distance
that the receiver can be from the turntable. The existing termi-
nal strip on the 7286 Conventional Turntable is no longer needed
when converting this turntable with the 7687 Digital Retrofit Kit.
Electrical connections for the turntable
Important: The 7686 turntable is designed to be operated only on
the Märklin Digital H0 system. This turntable cannot be used with
Märklin Digital= for two-rail layouts!
The ribbon cable for the turntable has a sixpin special plug which
is inserted into the corresponding socket on the receiver. The
center sockets B and 0 on the receiver are connected to the Digi-
tal power circuit (Central Unit or Booster).
The existing control box for the 7686 Conventional Turntable is no
longer needed when converting this turntable with the 7687 Digi-
tal Retrofit Kit. Simultaneous hookup of the conventional control
box and the digital decoder is not possible.
For digital locomotive operation the sockets B 0 0 for locomotive
power are connected to a digital power circuit (Central Station
Central Unit or Booster, ill. 1, ill. 2). This power circuit may be dif-
ferent from that supplying power for controlling the turntable.
The running rails on the turntable are electrically separated from
each other. This will allow you to use one of these rails for a
„track occupied" feedback signal.
The marked sockets on the right of the receiver are intended for
additional function displays (see page 14).