• Check all rotating parts have free, unob-
structed movement.
• Check there are no foreign bodies inside the
fan or that can be drawn into, or fall into fan.
• Check the structure is complete and has no
• Check installation and area is safe and en-
ergise fan and start motor. Check that the
impeller and airfl ow direction is correct,
check current does not exceed fan equipment
nameplate data.
• After two hours of operation, check that all
fi xings are tight and adjust if necessary.
Electrical connections are made in accordance
with connection diagram in the motor instruc-
tions and/or inside motor terminal box.
Many S&P fans are supplied with a cable gland
for typical electrical power cable connection, to
assist installation. However, if Installer uses a
cable requiring a differing cable gland, this is
to be supplied by the Installer, no alternative is
offered by S&P. The Installer is responsible to
ensure that cable, and cable gland, are suitable
and safe for application according to country
Ensure system operation is safe in event of
power cut/power outage/disruption to power
supply. If ventilation is stopped due to disrup-
tion to power supply, ensure no risk due to ex-
cessive temperature (electrical heater). Care
may be needed when restarting fan after dis-
ruption to power supply.
Most motors are supplied with permanently
greased or sealed for life bearings and do not
require re-lubrication. However, if motors with
re-greasing facility are supplied, then follow
the instructions in the specifi c motor Instruc-
tion manual and nameplate supplied.
Warning: Do not mix different types of
Maintenance/repairs must be carried out by
competent personnel and in accordance with
applicable International, National and Local
regulations. Fan equipment should be electri-
cally isolated and locked out before any work
Fan equipment should be regularly cleaned,
frequency depending upon service load and ap-
plication, but no less than every 6 months. Fan
equipment for dust applications may require
more frequent cleaning to ensure safe opera-
tion. Cleaning should include all areas where
dust can accumulate in the fan equipment.
Special attention should be made to any un-
usual sounds, vibration or temperature. If
any problems are detected the fan equipment
should be stopped immediately and cause in-
spected. The impeller and blades should be
regularly checked for damage that could cause
imbalance in the moving parts.
Do not start working until all relevant safety
procedures have been read, understood and
actioned correctly.
Ensure that personnel are competent for work
required, spare parts are correct for applica-
tion, tools and materials to be used are availa-
ble and safe for environment.
Identify components, bolts, fi xings to be re-
moved, and identify location to ensure re-
placed in same location, this can be done by
marking with number/letter/colour to bolt
fi xing and any associated spacing material
to identify location. This is especially impor-
tant for motor fi xings to supports, and impel-
ler shaft fi xings to supports, where packing/
spacing/shim material is used to adjust mo-
tor/impeller shaft center line, and hence fi nal
impeller position.
Fans should be installed correctly without
any adverse installation effect. Typically fans
should be installed so that air entry is clear,
unobstructed, non-turbulent and discharge
does not hinder airfl ow, since air turbulence
adversely affects impeller performance.