The power requirements for a layout increase quickly as the layout grows in size, until
the required power can no longer be supplied by the central controller alone. At that
point the power supply for the layout must be supplemented by one or more Boosters.
The Central Station can provide a power output of up to approximately 2.5 amps (de-
pending on the switched mode power pack / transformer being used). A 60174 Booster
in conjunction with the 60052/60055 transformer or the 60061 switched mode power
pack can contribute a power output of up to approximately 3 amps.
Power Distribution on a Layout
A layout must be divided into several electrically separate power consumption areas in
order to use one or more Boosters. These areas are then connected to different power
supplies (Central Station, Booster). The electrical load should be about equal in the
power consumption areas.
Examples for Dividing a Layout up into Power Consumption Areas:
Two halves
Main Line and Switching Operation
Inner Loop and Outer Loop