11. Your clamps can be partially pre-assembled.
The preferred orientation of the clamp assembly is to have
the saddles perpendicular to one another. Thread the small
bolt P into the center of K & L assemblies, fi nger-tight.
Slide smaller tube, L, into larger tube, K.
12. Notice how crossbar will sit in clamp assemblies once
clamps are mounted on unit.
13. To determine the general location and direction for
the crossbar (J), have an assistant hold the cab at the
desired location over the unit.
NOTE: Depending on your unit, the crossbar may be
positioned facing forward or backward, and above
or below any linkage.
14. Holding crossbar (J) in desired location, select area
to mount clamp assembly.
NOTE: Brute and John Deere units may require you to
mount to the horizontal handlebars on the unit.
NOTE: Preferred position is on the vertical portion
of the unit's upper handlebars.
Lower Handle Bars
(Horizontal Tube Mount)
Upper vertical
Lower horizontal
handle bars
handle bar
Upper Handle Bars
(Vertical Tube Mount)