A question mark before a station in a list indicates that station is currently
unavailable. Depending on the cause of the loss of signal this may be only
temporary. Stations that unlikely to be available again (for example you
have moved out of the broadcast range of a station), can be removed from
the station list.
2 Scan for stations
To start a scan manually, select Menu > Scan. Once the scan is complete,
the radio shows a list of available stations. The manual tune menu option
allows the user to select a particular channel and display the signal strength
for that channel.
3 Remove stations from list
To remove stations that a listed but unavailable, select Menu > Prune
4 Selecting stations
To listen to or change a station, select Menu > Station List and press OK
knob. Scroll knob control to select station you want to listen to. Stations
listed with a '?' question mark in front of them are not available. Once
selected, the station plays and the screen shows 'playing' information about
the station, track or show broadcast by the station. Alternatively, pressing
either the ⏮ left and ⏭ right keys, jumps to the next station up or down in
the station list. Preset stations can be stored and recalled as described in
the "5 Presets" section (see "Operation" section).
5 Now playing information
While the stream is playing, the screen shows its name and DLS (Dynamic
Label segment) information broadcast by the station giving real-time
information such as programme name, track title and contact details.
Stereo broadcasts are indicated with an icon at the top of the screen. To
view further information, press Info. Each time you press Info, another set of
information is displayed, cycling through:
DLS text
Programme type
Ensemble name/frequency
Signal strength/error rate
Bit rate/codec/channels
Today's date
DL Plus (if available)