The person in charge of the machine will take charge to have it
under perfect sanitary conditions, paying special attention to
long stop-periods. You will carry out all the cleanings that are
necessary, avoiding any pollution risk this way.
- Make sure that the master switch is in OFF position .
- Disconnect the plug of the machine to the electric net.
- Extract the filter and the peel containers.
- Open the front cover and make sure that the squeezed
mechanism is not activated.
- Retire the peel extractor of the sides.
- Uncoil the four screws of the squeezed mechanism.
- Extract the ball and the hole in the right side jointly. Carries out
the same operation with the left side.
- Put on some protective gloves to prevent any cut and remove
the cutting blade pulling up.
* Once all the pieces of the squeezed mechanism that they are
in contact with the juice are dissembled you should proceed to
their cleaning.
The cleaning can be carried out manually or in the dishwasher.
In both cases for hygiene questions it is obligatory to use a
neuter soap. Never use for their cleaning abrasive, solvent
products, metal cleaners, glasses cleaners or detergents that
are not diluted.
Before putting the pieces of the squeezed mechanism clean the
front part of the machine and the cover to eliminate any residue.
Use a humid sponge in neuter soap.