Connecting to ESD via a smart phone
Step 1.
Press and hold the
yellow button until the
ESD controller says 'WIFI
Hotspot Started'
Basic Configuration Settings
Note: use installation wizard once logged into configuration page for best results
Step 2.
Go to the WIFI
settings on a smart phone
and select:
Password = panachrome
Number of
people allowed
Min. Detection
Repeat time(s) -
Max Occupancy
Repeat time(s) -
Doors Held
Step 3.
On a web browser
navigate to: avireesd.local
and enter the following login
Username: admin and
Password = panachrome
The occupancy limit that will trigger the
ESD to hold the doors if exceeded
Configurable angle of rotation to
ensure the camera is positioned
Minimum height at which the ESD will
detect motion of a person
Add mask and clear mask allows
setting of areas of detection to be
ignored e.g. a mirror
Tells user(s) the maximum occupancy
for the elevator (e.g. "max. occupancy
2"). The time setting allows setting of
how often it will repeat the message
Configurable time the ESD will use
to repeat the "max occupancy of X
reached; doors held" announcement
once the occupancy level has been