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© 2021 KORG INC.
Thank you for purchasing the Korg Group Metronome GM-1.
Merci d'avoir choisi le métronome de groupe Group Metronome
GM-1 de Korg.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Gruppen-Metronom GM-1 von
Korg entschieden haben.
Gracias por comprar el metrónomo de grupo GM-1 de Korg.
このたびは、 コルグ ・ グループ ・ メトロノームGM-1をお買い上げ
いただきまして、 まことにありがとうございます。
English ....................................... p.1, p.2
Français ..................................... p.3, p.5
Deutsch ..................................... s.4, s.6
Español ...................................... p.4, p.7
日本語. . .................................................. p.3,.p.8
修理、 および商品のお取り扱いについてのご質問、 ご相談は、 お客様
一部の電話ではご利用になれません。 固定電話または携帯電話からおか
受付時間 月曜~金曜 10:00~17:00 ( 祝日、 窓口休業日を除く)
●サービス ・ センター: 〒168-0073 東京都杉並区下高井戸1-15-10
Notice regarding disposal (EU only)
If this symbol is shown on the product, manual, battery, or
package, you must dispose of it in the correct manner to
avoid harm to human health or damage to the environment.
Contact your local administrative body for details on the
correct disposal method. If the battery contains heavy metals
in excess of the regulated amount, a chemical symbol is
displayed below the symbol on the battery or battery package.
This product has been manufactured according to strict specifica-
tions and voltage requirements that are applicable in the country in
which it is intended that this product should be used. If you have
purchased this product via the internet, through mail order, and/or
via a telephone sale, you must verify that this product is intended to
be used in the country in which you reside.
WARNING: Use of this product in any country other than that for
which it is intended could be dangerous and could invalidate the
manufacturer's or distributor's warranty.
Please also retain your receipt as proof of purchase otherwise your
product may be disqualified from the manufacturer's or distribu-
tor's warranty.
Published 04/2021 Printed in Vietnam
Using the unit in the following locations can result in a malfunction.
• In direct sunlight.
• Locations of extreme temperature or humidity.
• Excessively dusty or dirty locations.
• Locations of excessive vibration.
• Close to magnetic fields.
Power supply
Be sure to turn the power switch to OFF when the unit is not in use.
Remove the battery in order to prevent it from leaking when the unit is
not in use for extended periods.
Interference with other electrical devices
Radios and televisions placed nearby may experience reception interfer-
ence. Operate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions.
To avoid breakage, do not apply excessive force to the switches or controls.
If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use
liquid cleaners such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or
flammable polishes.
Keep this manual
After reading this manual, please keep it for later reference.
Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment
Never set any container with liquid in it near this equipment. If liquid
gets into the equipment, it could cause a breakdown, fire, or electrical
shock. Be careful not to let metal objects get into the equipment.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-
tion against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to
radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from
that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If items such as cables are included with this equipment, you must
use those included items.
Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void the
user's authority to operate this equipment.
Responsible Party: KORG USA INC.
Equipment Type:
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Perchlorate Material–special handling may apply, See www.
* All product names and company names are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective owners.


Tabla de contenido

Resumen de contenidos para Korg GM-1

  • Página 1 If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use GM-1 de Korg. liquid cleaners such as benzene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Gruppen-Metronom GM-1 von flammable polishes. Korg entschieden haben.
  • Página 2: Inserting The Battery

    Open the ear clip, and move the round part on the tip to match the ear 1. Press the MODE button to display the Pitch setting screen, and use onto which you’ll attach the GM-1. Place the GM-1 on the hollow part the jog switch to set the pitch from “Pitch Low”to...
  • Página 3 Ja 保証規定 (必ずお読みく ださい) Précautions お買い上げ日、 販売店名が記載された領収書またはレシートをご提示いた Emplacement だく ことにより、 保証期間内に故障した場合に保証規定によって無料修理い たします。 L'utilisation de cet instrument dans les endroits suivants peut en 本製品を保証期間中に保証するもので、 付属品類は保証の対象になりません。 entraîner le mauvais fonctionnement. 1. 保証期間はお買い上げ日より3年間です。 • En plein soleil. • Endroits très chauds ou très humides. 2.
  • Página 4 Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Precauciones Aufstellungsort Ubicación Vermeiden Sie das Aufstellen des Geräts an Orten, an denen. El uso de la unidad en las siguientes ubicaciones puede dar como • es direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ausgesetzt ist; resultado un mal funcionamiento: • hohe Feuchtigkeit oder Extremtemperaturen auftreten können; •...
  • Página 5: Utilisation Du Métronome

    Vous pouvez synchroniser le comptage de plusieurs GM-1. Le GM-1 impri- mant le tempo de base est ce que nous appelons la “source”, et les autres GM-1 se conformant à ce tempo sont ce que nous désignons par le terme “réplique”.
  • Página 6: Batterie Einlegen

    Zeiträume hinweg verwenden. Öffnen Sie den Ohrenclip und drehen Sie den runden Teil mit dem Ohrpolster passend zum Ohr, an dem Sie das GM-1 befestigen wollen. Einstellen der Tonhöhe Setzen Sie das GM-1 mit dem Ohrpolster vorm Gehörgang in die 1.
  • Página 7: Sincronización

    Abra el clip de sujeción al oído y mueva la parte redonda del extremo según corresponda al oído en el que quiera colocarse el GM-1. Coloque el GM-1 en Cómo ajustar el tono de afinación la parte hueca del orificio del oído y cierre el clip de sujeción para sujetarlo.
  • Página 8 い部分を動かします。 耳孔の周りのくぼみにあて、 イヤー ・ クリッ い) から設定します。 お使いの楽器や環境などに合わせて設 プを閉じ、 耳に装着します。 定してください。 左耳へ 右耳へ 同期の方法 2台以上のGM-1でカウントのタイミングを同期することができま す。 基準となるテンポで動作しているGM-1をソースと呼び、 ソー スのテンポに同期させるGM-1をフォロワーと呼びます。 本機は同期の操作をしているとき、 赤外線通信を行います。 先端の丸い部分の可動範囲は220° です。 赤外線を使った機器やプラズマ ・ テレビなどの近く で同期の それ以上無理に回すと破損します。 操作を行わないようにしてください。 本機は小型軽量のため、 幼児が誤飲する恐 1. ソースにするG M - 1 の 凸 部 分を...

Tabla de contenido