Before se tting up the TPM (Tru sted Platfor m Module)
functions you must initialize the security platform.
Activating TPM
1. Restart the computer.
2. Enter the Aptio Setup Utility pressing <F2> during the POST.
3. Use the arrow keys to select the Security menu.
4. Select TPM Configuration and press Enter.
5. Press Enter to access the Security Device Support menu and
select Enable.
6. You will then need to press <F4> to save the changes and
restart the computer.
TPM Management in Windows
You can manage your TPM settings fr om wi thin Win-
1. Go to the Control Panel.
2. Click BitLocker Drive Encryption (System and Security).
3. Click TPM Administration.
Figure 26 - BitLocker Drive Encryption
(TPM Administration)
The TPM Management window allows you to configure the
TPM within Windows. As TPM is usually administered within
large enterprises and organizations, your system administrator
will need to assist you in managing the information here.
TPM Actions
Click Prepare the TPM and follow the instructions in the Wizard
to prepare the TPM (this will probably require a restart of the
computer and confirmation of the setting changes after restart
by pressing the appropriate F key).
After the restart the TPM will be prepared and you can then use
the Actions menu to Turn TPM off, Change Owner
Password, Clear TPM or Reset TPM Lockout.
A wizard will help take you through any setup steps.
Figure 27
Trusted Plat-
form Module
(TPM) Manage-
ment on Local
Computer Ad-
Figure 28
Actions Menu