The unit can be used together with a high pressure washer and a corresponding high pressure spray
gun. Only approved attachments and spare parts should be used. Care for an adequate water supply.
The water supply must be equipped with a filter of <= 60 micrometer in order to guarantee the best
function of the double injector.
position of controller
1. Connection pressure washer
2. Connection cleaning
3. Connection disinfection
4. Connection pistole and foamlance
Starting position of the lever for the double injector MS GREENLINE is the middle (cleaning)
To start up the high pressure washer must be switched on.
At the beginning a cleaning of ca. 30 seconds should ensure that there are no remainders of
detergents in the single components.
By moving the lever to the left (blue) cleaning with foam or to the right (yellow) disinfecting the
requested operation can take place.
Use the supplied foam lance for foaming and disinfecting.
Use the high pressure extension pole supplied by the manufacturer of the high pressure washer
for cleaning.
Please note that before changing the single detergents there has to be a cleaning interval of 30
seconds putting the lever in the middle.
Avoid to mix the single detergents at any rate.
After the end of working with the MS GREENLINE the complete unit must be clear rinsed. In
order to do this both hoses being in a detergent have to be put into a container filled with clear
Coarse outer soiling also has to be removed using clear water.
Installation overflow valve
Cleaning with foam