When is therapy with a Sieve Bowl Pessary useful ?
Sieve Bowl Pessaries are used for treating certain types of incontinence
(inability to control urination or defecation) as well as problems caused
by descensus of the vagina, the uterus, the bladder or the intestine.
Descents like this can be caused by e.g. hereditary weakness of the
connective tissue, postmenopausal hormone deficiency or pregnancy and
giving birth. Treatment with pessaries - combined with pelvic floor
exercise and, if necessary, oestrogen enriched creams - can permanently
improve conditions and obviate the need for the pessary.
How does a pessary work ?
The medesign pessary repositions the organs and brings them into the
anatomically correct position – counteracting a prolapse or descensus of
the vagina, the uterus, the bladder or the intestine. Therapy with pessaries
is an alternative to surgical intervention for the treatment of descensus
uteri and incontinence.
Which pessary is the right one for me ?
Selecting the correct size is a prerequisite for ideal treatment and freedom
from symptoms. medesign's Sieve Bowl Pessaries are offered in various
sizes (50 - 100 mm) and models. The pessary, which is smallest in size, yet
resting securely should be chosen.
Your gynaecologist will determine the right size for you. The pessary is
inserted and you can check its correct position by moving, coughing and
squeezing, whereupon the gynaecologist will check the fit of the pessary
once again. The pessary, which is smallest in size, yet resting securely
should be chosen. You should also make sure that you are able to urinate
without any problems.