Quick Start Up Guide
5- Process Profile stages Setting and Parameters
- Process profile stages settings
- Parameters
- Option after finish settings
1. Choose a Name to the process profile
2. Choose how many stages (Controlled Preheating, 1, 2 or 3) are
required according to the application. You must fill in stages in
sequence otherwise; stage window will not be active.
3. Set the stage's end temperature value.
4. If Dwell time is required according to application type in each
stage, set a number of seconds from 0 to 99.
5. Set the Heaters power level (from 0% to 100%) for each
heating zone in each stage, or .
6. After complete all the process profile parameters you have
three options:
a. Run the profile by pressing Start process
b. Save the profile to the PC
c. Save the profile to the Machine memory
Jovy Systems® Limited