Move the view in any direction by panning the chart.
Display information about a chart item by tapping the item.
To create a waypoint:
Press the Mark key to instantly add a waypoint.
Select the new waypoint option in the menu.
¼ Note:
With cursor inactive, the waypoint is placed at vessel's position. With cursor
active, the waypoint is placed at selected cursor position.
Zoom the image by using the zoom buttons.
View echosounder history by panning the image.
Adjust gain and color using the slide bar in the
Toggle auto gain ON/OFF from the menu.
Activate the autopilot controller from the Control bar.
Select an autopilot mode by pressing the mode button from the
Control bar.
Switch to standby mode from the autopilot controller or by using
a physical Standby key.
Turn the radar transmitting ON/OFF from the
Adjust radar range by using the zoom buttons on
the radar panel.
Product manuals
For the full Operator manual, technical specifications and declarations, refer to the website:
NSS evo3S |
Quick Guide - EN