Shift the switch to 3V position
Shift the switch to 3V position
58.- LED character of infrared
transmitting tube
Turn the switch 15, the LED will
light up dimly. This indicates that
the transmission tube 70 is in the
status of admittance. Turn round
the infrared transmitter tube, the
LED will not light up, it indicates the
transmission tube 70 is
unidirectional in conductivity.
59.- Infrared tubes matched pair
Turn the switch 15, the Led will not
light up, this indicates the LED is in
the status of non-admittance. When
the transmission tube 70 and the
receiver tube 71 are face to face,
the LED will light up. It indicates the
infrared signal which emits from
transmitter tube can irradiate the
receiver tube and make the energy
fl ows.