wires, align groove on tip sensor with wire direction. Signal may be lost if not properly
6. To verify wire direction, periodically rotate receiver 90 degrees. Signal strength will be
highest when wire is aligned with Tip Sensor groove.
4.13 Signal Clamp - Mapping circuit
The clamp accessory can be used to map loads to the specific breakers/fuses on both
energized and de-energized circuits. There is no need to disconnect power.
1. Connect the CT-400-EUR test leads to the terminals of the transmitter (polarity does not
matter) and select HIGH mode.
2. Clamp the CT-400-EUR around the line/phase wire at the breaker/fuse panel.
3. Select Quick Scan mode on the AT-6000-RE with the highest sensitivity level.
Scan face plates of receptacles and wires by touching them with the TIP Sensor of the AT-
6000-RE. All the wires, receptacles and loads that the AT-6000-RE indicates in the Quick Scan
mode are connected to this breaker/fuse.
Note: Expect relatively weak signal, for best performance install fully charged high capacity
rechargeable batteries to the transmitter. Use "Mapping circuit using test leads connection"
method if much stronger signal is required.
*Note: For best results, keep the AT-6000-RE at least 1 meter from the transmitter and its
test leads to minimize signal interference and improve wire tracing results.
figure 4.13b