3. Pressure and electric connections
Power supply
Connectors for air tubes, numbered 1 to 3,
from left to right
4. Display screen
Time display and adjustment
Mode display and adjustment
Pressure intensity display and adjustment
Start or Pause the operation of the machine
By pressing the square until "- -"appears, the
corresponding area will not be inflated
Inflation time adjustment for each area (in seconds)
5. Recommended Operations
1) Connect power supply, please check if it is
220V or 110V.
2) Connect air inflation tubes. Please refer to the
marked numbers on the connectors.
3) Check mode indicated (there are 4 modes)
In Mode A (light lymphatic treatment), it infla-
tes airbags 0 to 9, it deflates 0 and inflates 1,
it deflates 1 and inflates 2, then it inflates 0
to 9 simultaneously, and finally, it repeats the
In Mode B (usual lymphatic treatment), it in-
flates airbags 0 to 9, it deflates 0 and inflates
2, it deflates 1 and inflates 3, then it inflates 0
to 9 simultaneously, and finally, it repeats the
In Mode C (usual lymphatic treatment), it infla-
tes airbags 0 to 9, it keeps inflating 0 while it
inflates 1, keeps inflating 0 and 1 while infla-
ting 2, keeps inflating 0, 1 and 2 when it infla-
tes 3, and keeps inflating 0, 1, 2 and 3 while
inflating 4, and finally, it repeats the program.
In Mode D (relax mode), the machine inflates
three rows at the same time.
"0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
"6" "7" "6" "7" "6" "7"
"9" "8" "9" "8" "9" "8"
Finally, it repeats the program.
It is recommended to select mode C at the be-
ginning, and then choose other modes accor-
ding to the user's requests.
Suit maintenance
1. Please open the suit to extract all heat and
clean it after each use.
2. Be careful with the connections, do not pull on
the tubes roughly or bend them excessively.