Advanced settings: set to restore the phone as factory settings.
4) Applications: set Call settings, Contacts settings and Messaging settings
Call Settings: set Black list, white list, Auto redial, Call time reminder, Auto
quick end, Auto answer, Call waiting & forwarding & barring and so on.
Part function should take in network operator supporting.
Contacts settings: set contacts storage, set speed dial list, backup
contacts, restore contacts, Fixed dial number and so on.
Messaging settings: in this menu, you can set Memory status, Text
message, Broadcast message and so on.
[11] File manager
In this menu, you can view pre-defined and User defined folders in phone and
memory card. Select any folder and click the right icon of the folder, you can scan the
selected folder details. Press menu key to open storage status.
[12] Recorder
Open "Recorder" in application list and touch left icon to start the record ( one more
touch left icon, the record will be stopped and touch again the record start again ) and
right icon to finish the record. You can check Record list and setting by touch menu
[13] Notes
In this function, you can add new notes. All note records Sorted by time, the latest
change at the top. In the list, you can see the first few letters of each record. Press
menu key to do add, delete and search operations:
[14] Tasks
Use tasks to keep track of things you need to do. Create a new task and perform oper
ations like Subject, Priority, Due to, Reminder and Note. If you have set alarm forthco
ming task, the mobile phone rings and displays the task when the specified time arriv
[15] SIM toolkit