Good maintenance of the Marino will significantly benefit the quality and lifetime of
the product.
For the most optimal protection we suggest using the weatherproof protective cover
(optional). It will keep the fire place nice and clean and ready to use. Beware that the
fire has cooled down entirely before placing the cover over the Marino. If you do not
use the Marino over a longer period of time, we suggest storing the fire inside or in
a weatherproof space.
Despite the high quality finish and the use of high quality materials, the climate
still affects the quality of the Marino. You can keep the Marino in top condition by
protecting it as much as possible against weathering (such as sunbeams). Even though
the fire has a UV-protection outer coating finish, this does not mean that the fire is
entirely UV-proof. In order to prevent discolouration we suggest placing the Marino in
an area free of direct sunlight (at least when it is not being used). This also applies to
prevent discolouration of the protective cover.
You can clean the Marino with a damp cloth and a normal cleaner. The use of abrasive
and aggressive cleaners must be avoided. Also avoid the use of microfibre cloths. These
deduce their cleaning capacity to the abrasive effect of the microfibres. To clean the
inside of the Marino you need to disassemble the roof first. Afterwards you can lift the
glass panes, which will provide you with all space needed to clean the interior of the
Replace the hose every 2 years and the pressure regulator every 5 years and make sure
these meet all applicable national and regional regulations. The pressure regulator
should provide the pressure mentioned in the specifications in the front of this manual.
The use of an adjustable pressure regulator is forbidden.