Disassembling And Cleaning - Tre Spade TC 22 Inox Manual De Instruccion

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- remove the unwanted material from the in-
side of the meat mincer.
For models with switch (see Fig. 5):
- set the switch at O (stop);
- disconnect the plug from the main supply;
- disconnect the grinding group from the mo-
tor assembly;
- remove, in sequence, crown (A), plate (P),
blade (B) and screw (E);
- remove the unwanted material from the in-
side of the meat mincer.


As mentioned before, at the end of each pro-
cessing operation, after stopping the machi-
ne by means of its switch/reversing switch, it
is a good rule to disconnect the plug from the
socket prior to performing any disassembling
or cleaning operation. Do not pull the elec-
tric flex to unplug (see Fig. 4)
To remove the body from the power unit (or
motor assembly), it is sufficient to loosen the
hand wheel (V) by a few turns and extract the
processing unit sliding it horizontally from its
By acting in contrary sequence, compared
with the assembling operation, it is possible
to separate the components and then per-
form the cleaning, washing and drying ope-
To wash, use only water (hot if possible) and
neutral detergent for crockery.
When cleaning, never use acid or caustic pro-
In order to maintain your meat mincer in
perfect conditions for very long time, it's a
good rule, after any operation of cleaning
and washing, to dry it accurately (mainly its
processing unit).
If a long not-working period of the mincer is
foreseen, a cast iron surface light lubrication
will help to maintain the working group in
perfect conditions.
The machine is supplied with a plate (P) each
hole of which has a diameter of 6/8 mm in
order to comply with rule UNI EN 294 para-
graph 4.5 (access through openings).
To perform different processing operations,
however, it is possible to fit in plates (P) with
holes having a smaller diameter compared
with the plate supplied by the manufacturing
Company without modifying the functional
characteristics of the machine. If a supply is
needed, please refer to TAB. A.
F.A.C.E.M. SpA - TRE SPADE - shall not be held
responsible for any accidents deriving from
the use, on the "ELECTRIC MEAT MINCER", of
plates with holes having a diameter of more
than 8 mm. which are easily available on the
market because they can be used on meat
mincer operated by hand. In fact, if these
plates are used without taking specific pro-
tecting measures in order to bring the safety
standards within the range required by law,
the safety parameters requested by the abo-
ve mentioned rules are no longer complied
with (see Fig. 6).
Parts which are subject to wear mainly inclu-
de the cutting elements, in this case the bla-
de and the perforated plate.
The condition of these components should
be checked regularly, and sharpening of the
same, if necessary, should be done by com-
petent personnel. These parts must be repla-
ced when it is necessary.
Every now and then check the conditions of
bush (D) placed between the screw and the
body. In case of abnormal wear it should
also be replaced to avoid possible damage to
other parts of the machine.
It is advisable to use original spare parts
made by the manufacturing Company to
avoid any inconvenience due to different ma-
nufacturing characteristics.
In the order of spare parts the model, the se-
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ries number indicated on the label of motor
group MT (and on the conformity declara-
tion) and the reference letter of the part (see
Fig. 1) must be specified.
For models with gears operating in oil bath
(see the attached list) follow carefully these
notes: the oil supplied is MOBILGEAR 636 (Vi-
scosity cSt 40° C 636; Viscosity cSt 100° C 37,1
ISO 680).
A change every 300 working hours with the
same oil or with similar (of the same viscosi-
ty) oils for reduction units is recommended.
Models with MT 1 (see Fig. 2):
- For the topping-up, put the power unit (MT)
in vertical position, unscrew the oil plug
(10) placed in the front part of the reduc-
tion unit, pour the a.m. oil up to cover the
oil window positioned in the same oil plug.
Then retighten the plug and place again the
power unit (MT) in horizontal position.
- For the oil changing, unscrew as the oil
plug, and allow the output of the oil to be
changed from the motoreducing group
(MT): a good dripping must be attained.
Pour the new oil in quantity of about 125
cm3 and retighten the plug.
Models with MT 4 (see Fig. 2):
- For the topping-up, unscrew the oil plug
placed in the upper part of the reduction
unit, pour the a.m. oil up to cover the oil
window positioned in the lower part of the
reduction unit. Then retighten the upper
- For the oil changing, unscrew as the upper
oil plug as the oil window in the lower part
of the reduction unit, so allowing the ou-
tput of the oil to be changed: a good drip-
ping must be attained.
Retighten the level window. Pour the new
oil in quantity of about 125 cm3 and re-
tighten the upper plug.
It is recommended to execute the topping-
up or changing operations in proper envi-
ronment, with the motor assembly (MT)
disassembled from the grinding unit, with
the switch settled in the stop position (0 in
Fig. 5) and with the plug disconnected from
the socket of the main supply.
We remember that the disposal of the exhaust oil
must follow the rules in force (not scattered to the
If the machine stops accidentally during the
processing operation, before investigating
the reasons for this failure, it is necessary to
stop at once the supply of electric current to
the motor by setting the switch at O. Then
the electric flex should be disconnected from
the socket.
After that:
if the stop is caused by lack of electric current
supply due to a
failure in the electricity net-
work, do not reconnect the machine to the sock-
et until normal conditions have been restored in
the network .
if the stop is due to overstress, disassemble the
cutting unit after removing it from the motor as-
sembly and then eliminate the reasons for the
in case the inconvenience is due to reasons con-
nected with the power unit, contact the dealer
to arrange for the machine to be checked, if nec-
essary, by the manufacturer.
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