How to Format the MLWPRO
The MLW app has an option to format the internal memory of your MLWPRO device in case you start
running out of space, want to wipe your current data, or you plan on lending or gifting your MLWPRO.
Note: The data will be permanently deleted. Only use this option if the content is no longer needed or the
data is backed up to another storage device. Please make sure NOT to turn off your MLWPRO device
while formatting. Also, make sure the MLWPRO is charged to at least 25%.
Follow these steps to format the internal storage:
1. Click 'Settings', then 'MLW Information', click 'Format MLW Pro'.
2. If you are certain you want to erase all data saved on the internal memory, click 'OK'.
3. A message will confirm the format is complete.
Document No. iOS-MLWPRO-011816.A00
MobileLite Wireless Pro
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