Hotkey Operation
The B006-VU4-R allows the KVM switch to be controlled via the keyboard. The table
below describes the available Hotkeys and their functions. Hotkey commands require
that the [Shift] key be held down while the remaining hotkeys are pressed. The first
two hotkeys will always be [Scroll Lock], [Scroll Lock] or [Ctrl], [Ctrl]. [Scroll Lock],
[Scroll Lock] is the default. It can be changed to [Ctrl], [Ctrl] using the Change Hotkey
Mode Activation Command in the following table.
Hotkey Function
Initiate Hotkey
Switch to Next Port Initiate Hotkey Mode by holding down the [Shift] key and pressing [Scroll
Switch to Specific
Start Auto Scan
Start Auto Scan
with a Specific
Initiate Setting
Hotkey Commands
Change Setting
Mode Activation
17-10-467-932937.indb 5
Hotkey Command
Hold down the [Shift] key and press [Scroll Lock], [Scroll Lock]. Once
Hotkey Mode has been initiated, your keyboard's [Scroll Lock] and [Caps
Lock] LEDs will blink in succession. Press the [Esc] key to exit Hotkey
Note: The default command uses [Scroll Lock], [Scroll Lock]. This can be changed to
[Ctrl], [Ctrl] using the Change Hotkey Mode Activation Command.
Lock], [Scroll Lock]. Once initiated, press the [Enter] key to switch to the
next port.
Note: The KVM will switch the consoles focus to the next port, regardless of whether
a computer is connected to it or not.
Initiate Hotkey Mode by holding down the [Shift] key and pressing [Scroll
Lock], [Scroll Lock]. Once initiated, press n, [Enter] (n=port number; 1, 2,
3 or 4).
Note: The KVM will switch to the selected port, regardless of whether a computer is
connected to it or not.
Initiate Hotkey Mode by holding down the [Shift] key and pressing [Scroll
Lock], [Scroll Lock]. Once initiated, press [a], [Enter]. The KVM begins
scanning each port at 5 second intervals. To stop scanning at the currently
selected computer, press the [Esc] key.
Note: The KVM switch will scan each port whether a computer is connected to the
port or not.
Initiate Hotkey Mode by holding down the [Shift] key and pressing [Scroll
Lock], [Scroll Lock]. Once initiated, press [a], n, [Enter] (n=scan duration
between 1 and 99 seconds). Press the [Esc] key to stop scanning at the
currently selected computer.
Note: The KVM switch will scan each port, whether a computer is connected to the
port or not.
Hold down the [Num Lock] key, press and release the minus [-] key,
and release the [Num Lock] key. When Setting Mode is initiated, your
keyboard's [Caps Lock] and [Scroll Lock] LEDs will blink in succession.
Press the [Esc] key at any time to exit Setting Mode.
Note: The default command is [Num Lock], minus [-]. This can be changed to [Ctrl],
[F12] using the Change Setting Mode Activation Command.
Initiate Setting Mode by holding down the [Num Lock] key, pressing
and releasing the minus [-] key and releasing the [Num Lock] key. Once
initiated, press [x], [Enter] to Disable or Enable hotkey commands.
When hotkey commands are disabled, the KVM ports are accessible via
pushbutton only. Setting Mode commands will still be accessible.
Initiate Setting Mode by holding down the [Num Lock] key, pressing and
releasing the minus [-] key, and releasing the [Num Lock] key. Once
initiated, press [h] to switch to [Ctrl], [F12]. When set at [Ctrl], [F12],
change the Setting Mode Activation Command back to [Num Lock], minus
[-] by holding down the [Ctrl] key, pressing and releasing the [F12] key, and
releasing the [Ctrl] key. Once initiated, press [h] to switch to [Num Lock],
minus [-].
11/6/2017 9:30:14 AM