- Turn the main installation switch to "off"
- Generate a demand for heat with the room thermostat
- Lift up the cover to open
- Turn central heating water temperature selector
clockwise to maximum
- Remove the programme selector (fig. 18) pulling it
towards you
- Turn knob (C) to the "chimney sweep" position: you
can find this position by turning the knob right around
clockwise (fig. 19); this way the heating timer is set
to zero
- Switch on power to boiler
- Turn knob (C) back again to
- Maximum heating can be regulated after the slow
ignition phase has finished using a small screwdriver
through the opening (B) opposite the P5 potentiometer.
Rotate the potentiometer and check that the pressure
measured on the gauge corresponds to the one given
in the multigas tables on page 10.
(Quadra ie FF m only)
- Turn the heating water temperature selector right
around clockwise
- Switch on power to boiler
- Generate a demand for heat with room thermostat
- Minimum heating can be regulated within 30 seconds
from when the slow ignition phase finishes by using a
small screwdriver through the opening (A) opposite
the P4 potentiometer (fig. 19).
- Turn the P4 potentiometer checking that the pressure
measured on the gauge corresponds to the one
indicated in the multigas tables on page 10
- Reconnect the compensation inlet to the air box
- Disconnect the gauge and re-screw the screws of the
pressure inlet.
Every time a job is done on the gas valve regulator,
re-seal it with sealing wax.
Once regulation has finished:
- reset to the desired temperature by the room
- turn the heating water temperature selector to desired
- put the programme selector back into place on knob
- close up the display panel again
- put the hood back into place.
Fig. 18
Fig. 19