5.5 CONNECT aPP configuration
local weather
Click on the top right of the APP to access the "Thermostat Information" menu
Enter the information to get the local weather (name of city) for details about the outside
Outside temperature
If the outdoor temperature information is available (via WEB or OpenTherm) the tempera-
ture set in the boiler takes this value into account to adjust the flow.
If the outdoor temperature is not available, the flow is adjusted according to the set room
add devices
Before proceeding, make sure each thermostat is connected to the receiver via RF.
Click "add device" on the information menu and enter the required data.
5.6 setting temperatures
From the main page, access "my room" to
set the desired room temperature in manu-
al mode or for time programming.
Manual mode: set the temperature by turning the cursor on the display.
cod. 3541S180 - Rev. 00 - 03/2019
fig. 9