The light ring can be used alone (Step
1A) or it can be attached to select
TotalPond® nozzle kits (Step 1B), kits
not included.
Step 1A. If using just the light ring,
place the light ring in or out of the water
then skip to step 7.
Step 1B. If connecting to a nozzle kit,
assemble connector to LED light ring
Step 2. Follow your nozzle kit instructions
to safely disconnect from power and
remove from pond. Disassemble the
nozzle head from nozzle kit.
NOTE: Nozzle head and nozzle kits are
NOT INCLUDED with light ring
Step 3. Assemble correct nozzle tube
adaptor to light ring assembly.
Use Nozzle tube adapter (E) for Large
Nozzle Kit (item# N16100/ 52235) or
Complete Filter Kit with Pump (item
#MF13015/ 52229).
Use Extra large nozzle tube adaptor (F)
for larger nozzle tubes
Step 4. Attach the light ring assembly to
extension tube of nozzle kit.
NOTE: Extension tube is NOT INCLUDED.