National Technical Approval
No. Z-40.21 -288
(4) National technical approval is granted without prejudice to inspection or approval provisos
from other areas of law.
(5) This national technical approval dispenses with the need to determine suitability pursuant
to § 63 of the German Water Management Act (WHG)
the user shall be responsible for checking whether the system as a whole requires a suitability
assessment in accordance with the German Act on Installations Handling Materials
Hazardous to Water, even though this is not required for the object of approval itself.
(6) The period of validity of this national technical approval (see page 1) is based on use in
the sense of installation or erection of the object of approval, not on use in the sense of
subsequent use.
Provisions for constructed products
The containers and their parts must conform to the Special Provisions and the annexes of
this document, as well as the information filed at the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik.
Materials, properties and constituents
Only the materials named in Annex 2 may be used to manufacture the containers.
Design drawings
The design details of the containers must conform to Annexes 1 to 1.9 as well as to the data
filed at the DIBt.
Certification of structural stability
When used under the applicable conditions of use, the containers shall be structurally stable
up to an operating temperature of 30°C.
Reaction to fire
The material polyethylene (PE-HD) is normally flammable in the thickness used (class B2
pursuant to DIN4102-1)
. For flame-resistance, see section 3 (1).
Manufacture, packaging, transport, storage and identification
(1) Manufacture must proceed according to the manufacturing description filed with DIBt.
(2) The containers may only be manufactured at the plant named below, on the same
production systems on which the approved containers were assessed during the initial
inspection by the certification agency:
Cemo GmbH
factory 3
(3) If the blowing facility undergoes significant changes (e.g. on the extruder, blowing head or
blowing mould), the certification agency must be informed, which then makes a decision
about how to proceed (involvement of the DIBt, special inspections).
German Act to regulate water resources (Water Management Act, WHG) of 31 July 2009 (Federal Law Gazette
I p. 2585)
DIN 4102-1:1998-05
Fire Behaviour of Building Materials and Building Components – Part 1: Building
materials; terms, requirements and inspections
Name and headquarters/location are filed with DIBt.
Approval Principles for Safety Mechanisms in Tanks and Pipelines – Overfill Safety Devices. As at:
July 2012
National Technical Approval
No. Z-40.21-288
Packaging, transport, storage
Packaging, transport and storage shall conform to Annex 3.
(1) The manufacturer shall identify the containers by applying the German mark of conformity
(Ü mark) in accordance with the relevant regulations of the German states. The mark may
only be placed if the requirements in section 2.4 (certificate of conformity) have been met.
(2) Moreover, the manufacturer must mark the container combination, comprising the inner
container and the collector, visibly and permanently with the following information on the
manufacturing number,
date of manufacture,
nominal volume of inner container at an approved fill level (as per ZG-ÜS
material (the marking must show the moulding compound used e.g. "PE-HD - Lupolen 4261
AG UV)",
permitted operating temperature,
notice about non-pressurised operation,
notice "Outdoor installation prohibited",
notice "Only for storing substances pursuant to National Technical Approval No.
(3) The approved fill level must be indicated on the level gauge (maximum fill level mark).
Certificate of conformity
(1) Certification that the containers conform to the provisions of this national technical
approval must be carried out for each manufacturing site by means of a certificate of
conformity based on in-house production monitoring, as well as external monitoring on a
regular basis, including an initial inspection of the containers pursuant to the following
(2) To obtain the certificate of conformity and the external monitoring, as well as the
associated product inspections, the manufacturer of the containers must make arrangements
with a certification agency recognised for this purpose, as well as a monitoring agency
recognised for this purpose.
(3) The manufacturer shall label the construction products with the German mark of
conformity, specifying their use, as a declaration that a certificate of conformity has been
(4) A copy of the certificate of conformity granted by the certification agency shall be
submitted to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt). A copy of the initial inspection
report shall also be submitted to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik (DIBt).
In-house production monitoring
(1) In-house production monitoring must be set up and carried out at each manufacturing
facility. In-house production monitoring means the continuous monitoring of production by the
manufacturer with the aim of ensuring that the containers produced by the manufacturer
conform to the provisions of this national technical approval.
ZG-US: Approval Principles for Safety Mechanisms in Tanks and Pipelines – Overfill Safety Devices. As at:
July 2012
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for the object of approval. However,
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) in litres,
National Technical Approval
No. Z-40.21-288
(2) The in-house factory production monitoring must include at least the inspections listed in
Annex 4, section 1.
(3) The results of in-house production monitoring shall be recorded and evaluated. These
records shall contain the following data, as a minimum:
Designation of the constructed product and/or source material;
Type of monitoring or inspection;
Date of manufacture and of inspection of the constructed product and/or source material, or
its components;
Result of monitoring and inspections and comparison with requirements;
Signature of the person in charge of in-house production monitoring.
(4) Records must be retained for at least five years and submitted to the external monitoring
agency. They must be submitted to the Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik and to the most
senior competent building monitoring agency if requested.
(5) In the event that test results are unsatisfactory, the manufacturer shall take the necessary
remedial action immediately. Products that do not meet the requirements must be handled in
such a way that they cannot be confused with compliant products. After the defect has been
corrected, the inspection in question shall be repeated immediately, as far as technically
External monitoring
(1) The in-house production monitoring in each production factory must be verified by an
external body in accordance with Annex 4, section 2 (2) on a regular basis, however at least
twice annually.
(2) An initial inspection of the containers pursuant to Annex 4, section 2 (1) shall be
performed within the framework of third-party monitoring. Furthermore, samples may be
taken for random tests. Sampling and inspections are the responsibility of the recognised
monitoring agency. If the inspections in respect of suitability for use – on which national
technical approval is based – are performed on samples officially taken from ongoing
production, these inspections shall replace the initial inspection.
(3) The results of certification and third-party monitoring shall be kept for a minimum period of
five years. They must be submitted by the certification/monitoring agency to the Deutsches
Institut für Bautechnik and to the most senior competent building monitoring agency, if
Provisions for drafting and dimensioning
(1) The containers pursuant to this national technical approval (consisting of inner and outer
containers) are equipped to resist fire without becoming unsealed for 30 minutes inside
buildings that conform to the requirements of the building code for heating and heating oil
storage spaces.
(2) The conditions for installing the containers are found in the regulations relating to water,
occupational safety and the building code.
National Technical Approval
No. Z-40.21-288
Provisions for implementation
(1) Installation and erection of the containers shall be entrusted only to companies that are
specialist firms in these activities as per § 3 of the German Act on Installations Handling
Materials Hazardous to Water
, unless these activities have been exempted from the
obligation to employ a specialist company by German state regulations, or the manufacturer
of the containers performs these activities with its own specialist personnel.
(2) Containers damaged during transport or installation shall not be used if the damage
compromises the seal or structural stability of the containers. Repair of containers
(inner/outer container) is not permitted.
(3) Damages and measures to correct damage shall be assessed in consultation with a
competent expert on synthetic materials
(4) In areas subject to earthquakes in earthquake zones 1 to 3 as per DIN 4149
containers shall be adequately secured in their positions so as to ensure that concentrated
individual loads shall not impact the containers in the event of an earthquake.
Container equipment
(1) The conditions for container equipment are based on the statutory regulations relating to
water, occupational health & safety and construction.
(2) Equipment shall be designed such as to prevent unacceptably high or low pressure and
unacceptable stress on the container wall.
(3) A suitable leak detector that has been granted technical approval of suitability by the
building authorities shall be installed between the inner container and the outer container
(collecting container) in accordance with statutory water regulations.
(4) Each container must be equipped with a fill-level indicator.
(1) The containers shall be erected vertically in rooms of buildings such as to ensure
adequate possibilities for fire fighting.
(2) The steel foot of the container must stand completely on a flat, unbending and smooth
slab or a carefully sealed and secured flat storage surface.
(3) The containers shall be situated at such a distance from walls, other components and
each other that the fill level, leakage and status can be visually ascertained at all times.
(4) The containers must be protected against impact by vehicles, e.g. by installation in a
protected place, use of collision guards or installation in a suitable area.
(5) The marking sign (engraved sign) and the limiting value transmitter (GWG) with
connection valve shall be located on an accessible side of the container system. The fill-level
indicator must be easily readable.
German Act on Installations Handling Materials Hazardous to Water, dated 31 March 2010 (Federal Law
Gazette I p. 377)
Experts from certification and monitoring agencies, as well as further experts to be named by DIBt on request
DIN 4149:2005-04 Buildings in German Earthquake Zones – Design loads, Dimensioning, Design and
Construction of Conventional Buildings
Z10810.16 1.40.21-71/15
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, possibly with the involvement of the applicant.
, the