Specifi cations
DC Voltage:
AC Voltage:
DC Current
Resistance (ohms)
Continuity Buzzer:
Battery Test:
Operating Temperature: 64°F – 77°F (18°C – 25°C)
Function/Range Switch: 6 Functions
Zero Ohms Adjustment Dial:
Located on the front left side of the housing. Adjustment dial
is used to zero the needle indicator on the ohms scale while
shorting the test leads together.
Mechanical Zero:
Adjustment Screw:
Mirrored Scale Plate:
Recessed Input Jacks:
Read this operators manual thoroughly before using this mul-
timeter. This manual is intended to provide basic information
regarding this multimeter and to describe common test pro-
cedures which can be made with this unit. Many types of ap-
pliance, machinery and other electrical circuit measurements
are not addressed in this manual and should be handled by
experienced service technicians.
19 measuring ranges
2.5-10-50-250-1000 Volts
10-50-250-1000 Volts
5-50-500 milliAmps (fused)
10 amps on a separate jack (unfused)
Rx1 (resistance indicated multiplied
by 1)
Rx10 (resistance indicated multiplied
by 10)
Rx1K (resistance indicated multiplied
by 1000)
10 Megohm Max
For audible continuity checks. Buz
zer sounds at less than 100 ohms.
-8dB to +22dB on AC voltage ranges
DC voltage, Amps = 4% full scale of
AC voltage = 5% full scale of range
Resistance = 4% full scale of range
1.5 volt and 9 volt batteries
20,000 ohms per volt DC and 8000
ohms per volt AC
20 Positions
19 Measuring ranges
Located directly below the center of
the scale,
used to align needle on the zero
settings for accurate readings.
The mirror on the scale plate is used
to line up the needle with its refl ec-
tion to improve the reading accuracy
by preventing parallax error.
Negative (-) input jack for black test
lead, positive (+) input jack for red
test lead. Separate jack for 10 Amp